Tuesday, April 30, 2013

It's the little things in life.

With everything that is going on in the world (and there is rather a lot) it is easy to forget the little things in life. Here are some of those simple pleasures that we often overlook.

New socks feel amazing, especially if you've been hiking, it's like a foot orgasm.

Towels are fantastically useful.

Pockets. I would be dead if I didn't have pockets. Giving me trousers without pockets would be a form of torture.

Fresh bedding. Enough said.

Putting on warm clothes straight from the radiator when it's cold.

Putting a video into a VCR.

Going to the toilet when you've been dying for a wee.

Reading books, actual books.

A cold glass of water on a hot day.

A warm drink on a cold day.

Potatoes are bloody brilliant.

A ball. Can't even begin to think about the amount of fun I've had with a ball.

Fish and chips by the seaside (possibly the greatest thing ever if you're British).

Feel free to add any that you think should be on the list. Now go on and be happy. Remember how the little things can cheer you up.

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