Sunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday night's TV.

The title of this post is too general if I'm honest. Its really just about The Voice and Doctor Who. I've generally been a fan of Doctor who, not a mad keen, die-hard fan, but a normal 'ooh Doctor Who is back on' kind of fan. This series is, if I'm honest, quite boring. It isn't really progressing anywhere, there aren't any good new monsters and it does not make any sense. I'm spending the entire episode trying to figure out what is going on, instead of just enjoying what is going on. 

My frustration at Doctor Who however is nothing compared to my anger at The Voice. Once you get over the 'ooh look, a rotating chair' novelty (which takes about 10 seconds) then the show becomes incredibly irritating. The hosts over-hype the show. The contestants are mediocre. The audience just applaud like monkeys watching poo being hurled at walls and the judges are very annoying. Jessie J is just there for eye candy., or William as I will call him because it is his name and is easier to type, thinks he is god's gift to the music industry and is positively hilarious. Danny just isn't that good a musician in the first place and Tom Jones, who I used to like, seems to be turning into a creosoted big head. I watched the first episode of the current series and gave myself a headache through shouting at the television so much. With the X-factor and Britain's Got Talent and other shows like those, it is a wonder that this show has even been commissioned. I don't think we are exactly short of singers. Good singers, yes, but talent show standard singers, no. 

I'm not going to get angry about any of this because it is just television. Nobody is forcing me to watch so I can just switch it off. Which I will. 

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