Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some music to cheer you up.

There is usually a lot of depressing news going on and to be honest this blog hasn't exactly been a happy ray of sunshine. To try and make up for this here is a quick run down of some cheery songs and music that can hopefully be a bit of a pick-me-up.

The Pogues - Fiesta

It starts a little slowly but when it gets into it there are few songs that can match its energy. Almost impossible to be unhappy while listening to this song. Listen to it good and loud and preferably with or after alcohol for full effect.

The Beach Boys - Barbara Ann

There are plenty of brilliant Beach Boys songs but this is arguably the most well known and I think the most cheerful. Always good to sing along to, either alone of with others. A nice driving song on a sunny day too.

Louis Armstrong - What a Wonderful World

It's an obvious choice, but what can I say, it is a wonderful song. Not as upbeat as the others, but the lyrics are fantastic, the singing is majestic and the music is beautiful. Has to be one of the best songs of all time.

Beethoven - Ode to Joy

If you're in a classical mood then this has to be your choice really, although there are plenty of upbeat pieces of classical music out there so go and have a listen, you might be surprised. The choral versions of Ode to Joy are generally the best and most cheery however.

Monty Python - Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

Okay, okay, it's another obvious one, but it never fails to make me feel better. One of the few songs you can sing and whistle along to. If you've not seen The Life of Brian (the film in which the song is from) then I'd highly recommend it.

Monty Python - The Galaxy Song

Yes, I have done two Monty Python songs in a row, but at least this one isn't such an obvious choice. It is more of a factual song than anything else, but if you're feeling a bit down then this really should help give you a sense of perspective and sometimes, that helps.

Quincy Jones & His Orchestra - Soul Bossa Nova

No words in this one, but it is definitely a cheery tune, by the legendary producer Quincy Jones. If you've seen any of the Austin Powers films then you should recognise it instantly. Another of my all time favourite pieces of music.

The Bellamy Brothers - Let Your Love Flow

More of a county tone to this one, but it is a nice relaxed cheerful song. If you recognise it but aren't sure where from, it was on a Barclay Card advert a few years ago and a different version featured on a Prius in 2010.

Cornershop - Brimful of Asha

One of my all time favourite songs, always cheers me up and one that should be on your summer soundtrack. I have no idea what a lot of it means, I'm sure I could find out if I Googled it, but I don't want to risk ruining the song. I am pretty sure however that the original video had to be changed because it featured the name 'Cornershop' so many times that it was thought to be subliminal advertising.

Well that's it for now. There are other songs but these are my favourites so go away and be happy.

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