Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Margaret Thatcher and why I want Wigan Football Club to get relegated.

I'm not exactly the biggest football (or soccer if you're American) fan in the world, but I do casually follow the game. I don't support anyone in particular, but I do have soft spots for some teams. Wigan however I do not like. They offer nothing to the competition until there is about 10 games left, then they somehow just manage to avoid relegation. Their crowds are low and Wigan is a rugby league town, not a football town. Now the Wigan chairman, Dave Whelan, wants a minutes silence to be held in sport in memory of Margaret Thatcher. Thankfully the FA have ignored Whelan, but for him to even suggest that Wigan fans should remain silent for Thatcher after what she did to the country, especially when you consider that Wigan was a mining town, is ridiculous.

Even now Thatcher is dead she is still costing the good tax-paying British citizens because her funeral will be state funded. This is quite ironic considering all the privatisation that Thatcher decided to carry out. Her death has also been one of the few things that has brought people together in the recession hit United Kingdom. This is the closest that David Cameron's Big Society idea has got to becoming a reality.

For those of you reading this from outside of the U.K, please do not base your opinions of us on the media. We are a bit obsessed about the weather, but we're not sent into panic and complete meltdown, which is what you'd think if you only saw the U.K news. We're not all obsessed with royalty. You've got to remember that those who are obsessed with royalty are simple people. People with free time. The common clay of the disposable income group.You know...morons. Now as for Thatcher, you may hear people saying she divided opinion. This is true, but only as far as the country was already divided - the rich, and everybody else. She was not an important PM and she did no good for the country, in fact she did the complete opposite. People have partied in the streets at her death, something very, very few people did during the Queen's jubilee, contrary to what some news outlets would have you believe. If anyone says that we are being tasteless in celebrating her death then you really don't understand. She ruined the country. Nobody liked her when she was alive and if people met her then they would've made their feelings perfectly clear. There is no reason to suddenly change opinions about her just because she has snuffed it. So please, please people outside of the U.K, don't judge us on our news.

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