Tuesday, April 9, 2013

We're all having a party.....when Margaret Thatcher dies!

No doubt the death of Margaret Thatcher yesterday provoked many comments and jokes, but I've decided to wait that little longer and post today, having had chance to reflect on her about-timely death.

As most of you have heard, she died of a stroke. A stroke of good luck. My initial reaction to the news was

My second reaction however was different. It was this

Now all of these tributes to the murdering bitch who screwed generations of people over that are appearing on TV really should be stopped. The general reaction of the British people, the true heart of the British people, could be summed up with one video:

Anyone with a soul really should not be in the slightest bit upset that she has died. For no good reason she is being buried with full military honours. Apparently sinking a ship full of young Argentinian conscripts as it is sailing away from the battle zone merits these honours. It does mean that she will receive a 21 gun salute and will probably be the first funeral in history in which the salute is fired at the coffin, to make sure she really is dead.

Well there is my tribute, which I think is a lot better than the British television's arse-licking competition that they seem to be holding, despite nobody in the country with any dignity being even slightly saddened that she has passed away.

Oh and sorry Satan, but please, don't send her back up.

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