Thursday, April 11, 2013

Adverts 2.

Just in case you have a fear of reading titles, this is the second installment of my summary of some good and not-so-good-at-all adverts.

Injury Lawyers 4U

All of their adverts are horrible and all make lawyers look stereotypically evil. The latest advert however is proof that their lawyers are indeed extremely evil. A truck carrying loose tennis balls spills its load all over the road. A cyclist rides straight into the rolling balls and comically falls over. The lawyer watching from a window does not laugh. Not even a smile or a grin or a smirk. Evil. Or, maybe, the lawyer is concerned. No. She doesn't help the cyclist either. She just stands there, like a robot in a suit watching hilarious carnage unfold with all the reaction of a shop window dummy. -666/10


Their new 'Irn-Bru Gets You Through' advert campaign is genuinely funny, especially if you're British. The 'fanny' advert is my favourite, but they're all pretty good. Good marks for quality, entertainment and orginality. 9.5/10


Another advert using popular music and a baby, but this one is pretty funny, especially the first time. 7/10


This advert is almost as sickening as the 'food' that they 'serve'. It portrays people from the north of England as people with a distinct lack of a vocabulary, unable to say more than 4 words in a sentence who most of the time interact with each other by simply saying 'nah you're alright'. The whole advert is shot with a dreary tint to it until the two people are eating in the McDonald's restaurant, as though people in the north have nothing else to look forward to in their dull, bleak lives apart from cheap, disgusting fast food. Stop patronising us McDonald's, all of us. 0/10

Virgin Media

Their adverts about how great they are, when they're not great at all, have always annoyed me, but now they're actually making me cringe. First of all they've managed to get David Tennant to do the adverts, which is such a waste of a talented actor. Secondly they try and make Richard Branson feel like a regular bloke. He's sitting there watching the match and he gets called 'Rich' instead of Richard and David Tennant asks him to help out and tells him to be quiet when he's a bit annoying. Its so creepy. Branson is not a normal bloke, he is insanely rich for selling painfully mediocre products and services at stupid prices, just because they're marketed well. Please, please stop falling for it. 1/10

So there you have it. They'll be more. Some day.

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