Friday, April 19, 2013

It isn't the lack of news...

I'm struggling to find something to write about today. There are no particularly interesting holidays or observances and whilst there is news, there isn't something I can really write much about. It is difficult to offer an opinion on a bombing or an explosion other than that they are bad, and I definitely can't make jokes about them. I could give facts about the events, but lets face it, you'd be better off just looking on any news website. That said, I would just present the facts, whereas some news outlets can be extremely biased.

Generally speaking the BBC is still middle to upper class in terms of its news coverage. The prime example of this is the unnecessary coverage of the Royal Family. If Kate Middleton gave birth it'd probably be the main headline even if North Korea had just declared nuclear war on us. Sky news, part of Rupert Murdoch's media empire is, unsurprisingly, right wing. The is most clearly demonstrated by human slug Adam Boulton. He wouldn't be so bad if he was in any way a good journalist, but even other people who you would probably view as right wing don't like or respect him.

Fox news however makes the biased British media look positively sensible. I live in England so I probably only see the more extreme clips of Fox news, but seriously, its insane. It seems to be mostly populated by shouty people who all look remarkably similar, live in their own bubble and are completely unable to empathise with anyone who isn't a scary republican. I don't live in America and it is a far too big a place to generalise, but I really hope that Fox news represents a minority of people. I fear that it doesn't however, because it isn't exactly a small enterprise with a handful of viewers. Please tell me Americans only watch ironically? For a laugh? To get the sports scores? Please tell me that is why people watch it. Please.

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