Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Some words.

Very tired. Need something simple. Here's a few short ramblings.

It is International Children's Book day so why not read a book you enjoyed as a child, or introduce a child to the same book. I always liked Ketchup on Your Cornflakes.

It is also World Autism Awareness Day. Find out more HERE. Donate to an Autism charity HERE. It is a worthy cause

Yes, more laziness on my part, I am going to talk about the Google Doodle. It is Maria Sibylla Merian's 366th birthday today. Her excellent drawings of the natural world helped shape biology today. She shouldn't be forgotten so well done Google for that Doodle.

Arse-nose George Osborne is claiming that his benefit changes are amazing and that critics are trying to attract headlines with what they are saying. Firstly, politicians like Osborne are told to speak in headline attracting soundbites so he doesn't have much room to talk and secondly the critics are right; his changes are utterly terrible and barely thought through. He also told supermarket workers that working households would be better off. Even if that were true, he seems to have forgotten the millions of households that house people who are unemployed, or retired, or disabled, or ill, or the thousands of empty homes in the country.

Finally North Korea are trying their very best to add another threat to the ever growing list of Reasons Why We're Doomed. It isn't going to win me any fans in North Korea but they are crazy. Not necessarily their fault, the rulers are insane but unfortunately hold all the power.

Sorry for this. It'll be better tomorrow when I'm not so tired. Unless North Korea has destroyed the planet.

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