Monday, April 15, 2013

Yeehaw! It's another news roundup.

Yeah, I'm running low of ideas on one particular topic, so here is another roundup of the main news.

Justin Bieber

Well, I told you all he was a tw*t and now to prove me right he's gone and Tweeted about Anne Frank. Everyone knows that Anne Frank is a no-go area unless you're being serious about history, so to Tweet that you'd hope she was a 'Belieber' (fan) is a definite face-palm moment.

Minimum Wage Increase

In the UK the minimum wage has risen by 12 pence for adults and 5 pence for 18 to 20 year olds. This seems like good news on the face of it, but it is only really rising with inflation so it isn't exactly a pay rise. This is all presuming you can find a job of course.

Benefit Cuts

Speaking of jobs, if you're unemployed then you'll be having your benefits capped at £500 per week, or £350 per week if you're single. Talk about kicking people while they're down. If you have children and are unemployed because you have to take care of them, because nurseries have been closed or are too expensive, then you will really, really, really, really, really struggle. If you live alone because you have lost your wife and child in a car crash after having just been made redundant then you'll also end up paying the bedroom tax as well as having your benefits cuts. What a great big kick in the balls that is for the unemployed. The government say it is encouraging people back to work, but it isn't as simple as that. For example if your care for someone then you might not have time to work, or as is the case in many places, there are no jobs, or jobs providing a wage you can survive on. Another thing the government don't realise is that the benefits they were handing to people are going back into the economy. People on benefits aren't wasting their money frivolously by investing in waterproof coats for ducks, they are spending it in shops on necessary items, helping to keep shop workers in a job.


She just won't die. Well okay, she is technically dead, but she is still very much alive in the media. I'm sick of hearing about her in the news, especially regarding her funeral. It is costing the taxpayer around £10 million and they have been rehearsing it today. What a massive waste. I wonder how many people will notice what is criminally wrong here? Benefit cuts for the poor at the same time as a state funded funeral for a dead rich bitch. As an interesting note, seeing as how I haven't mentioned it yet, the UK imported 44.8 million tonnes of coal after Thatcher destroyed the UK mining industry. Oh, did I mention that that figure wasn't immediately after Thatcher forced the mines to close, that was just for last year, 2012. She is still screwing us over, so when people mention her legacy, remember that figure and how many people are still unemployed in old coal mining areas. Remember how she helped to deregulate the banks and the financial mess we're in now. Remember how the transport infrastructure is struggling because she privatised it all. Remember how she took away milk from school children. Remember, she was an evil bitch.

Well that is my roundup for today, I could've done more, but it'd only be depressing. Hopefully I can write about something cheerful tomorrow, unless North Korea has started WW3, in which case I'll be writing a helpful guide on how to survive a nuclear holocaust. Part 1: Mutants.

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