Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Day.

The 1st of May is a pretty interesting day. May Day is celebrated in many countries around the world, in various ways. In England for example there is dancing round the May pole and Morris dancing. These are traditional things mind, we don't all do this every May Day.

The other significance of May 1st is that it is International Workers' Day. Now the plight of workers worldwide, past and present, is far too difficult to fit into this blog post and, if I'm honest, there is no way my brain can process that much information and history without suffering a breakdown leading to a killing spree. So as I presume nobody wants that to happen, I'm going to mention the events in Bangladesh.

Clearly what has happened is a tragedy to all of those who have suffered. I can only begin to imagine how they feel. This simply should not have been allowed to happen. The owner of the building was all too happy to allow people to go into work. These workers already worked in poor conditions on extremely low wages. The reason why they are on such low wages is that they were making clothes and fabrics for shops like Primark. The treatment of workers has to change. We are all content to talk about how amazingly advanced our society is and how civilised we all are because we drink coffee and read on Kindles and run business, yet nobody questions how many workers are treated. Attitudes towards the common working man or woman are still stuck in Victorian times. How many more disasters does there have to be before all workers are treated fairly. What is wrong with a fair day's wage for a fair day's work, for all? When did exploitation become acceptable and even in some cases, desirable? When will people stop aspiring to these false ideologies that are put in front of them by governments and businesses? Why is it not enough to be a decent human being and just be happy? When will people realise that trade unions aren't some enemy that are always threatening to go on strike? When will they realise that trade unions are made up of workers, thousands of normal, decent people? When will people realise that being successful in business means nothing if you can't be decent and honest?

When will any of these questions be answered? I don't know, that's for sure.

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