Sunday, April 14, 2013

Thinking of a Korea change?

Kim Jong-un is crazy. Not just 'I was so drunk I tried to eat my cat' crazy, but fully blown doesn't-know-he-is-crazy-when-he-is-crazy kind of crazy. North Korea has always been comically evil, but it really is their own fault. First of all the leaders all claim to have done ridiculous things and in some cases have actually done ridiculous things. The previous leader, Kim Jong-il, apparently shot a 38 under par round of golf at his first attempt and then immediately retired from the sport. He also forced waitresses to have cosmetic surgery to appear more western. The way that military power is shown off is often quite hilarious. To me, the goose stepping for example is, whilst well organsied, incredibly funny. All of this said, they do now, probably, have nuclear missiles, so maybe we should take them a bit more seriously.

According to some reports the North Korean missiles could reach Alaska, Russia and Australia. Now if this is true then that is a power that really should be reckoned with. The thing is, North Korea is still just too comical. In Britain the weather is reported as more of a disaster than a dictatorship with an insane leader developing nuclear weapons, and that is a fact. Even when you see reports on the news of North Korea all you can see is a lot of brainwashed people obsessing about their leader, or North Korea's military leaders, including Kim Jong-un. Again this should be unsettling, but it just sort of isn't. The generals (or whoever they are) wear hats which look oversized, especially when a lot of them aren't actually that tall. They also have a stupendous amount of medals, which is odd, because they haven't fought in that many wars. Overall they look like a parody of a military chief. Kim Jong-un himself still looks quite comical. He looks like a chubby,  spoilt, only child who isn't getting his own way with a haircut that is terribly disappointing considering he is the ultimate leader. He also dresses far to similarly to Dr Evil from the Austin Powers films.

North Korea has stated that it is in 'a state of war' with South Korea, which to me seems really quite foolish. Firstly, the Korean war isn't technically over, it is only a a very long period of cease fire. Secondly, threatening your bordering country with nuclear weapons is a bit like me threatening the bloke sitting next to me on the bus with an incendiary bomb because his music is too loud. The other thing that North Korea has done is to call South Korea's attempts to negotiate to resolve the nuclear crisis as 'a craft trick'. Now, calling on many nations, including the USA, to help negotiate isn't exactly crafty. It is pretty obvious and not really therefore a trick.

North Korea, if you want to properly scare us you need to change your image. Or at least have a dictator with a toothbrush moustache.

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