Friday, April 12, 2013

Margaret Thatcher: still being a bitch...from beyond the grave...

Even now the old witch has passed away she is still screwing us over and causing unnecessary media attention. For starters, her funeral will be paid for by the tax payer. And it won't be cheap. There are lots of posh, rich people invited and it is a fancy occasion. If it were up to me I'd just toss her down an abandoned mine shaft, just for the irony of it all. Secondly, debating how good or bad she was for the country during her time as leader after her death has taken up quite a lot of time on T.V and radio. The problem with this is two fold. Firstly, it is incredibly boring and irritating and secondly it is over 20 years too late. She's already completely ruined certain aspects of the country.

The new issue that has arisen today is whether or not the BBC should play Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead from the Wizard of Oz in the chart show. This debate is just ridiculous. People on the news are suggesting that it is just 'anti-Thatcher' campaigners who have got the song into the charts. Again, there are several things wrong with this. Firstly, to be 'anti-Thatcher' should not be used in the way the news are using it; as though it is a rotten minority and a derogatory term. This simply isn't the case. To be 'anti-Thatcher' is pretty much the same as being 'anti-Hitler' or 'anti-punching-babies-in-the-face' or 'anti-child-labour'; it should be a normal thing that everyone with a conscience is. Now I'm not entirely sure how the music charts work, but I'm certain that a minority of people could not get a song to the top end of the charts. There really is no debate to be had here, most people are happy she is dead and, like in most situations, they are expressing it through song. It sums up the mood of the population and it really is quite British to celebrate this way.

So BBC, play the song, the people have spoken.

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