Thursday, April 25, 2013


We've already had a double dip recession and we have just about managed to avoid a triple dip recession, which is good news, but still sounds like a part of a roller coaster.

Today it was announced that GDP for the UK had gone up by 0.3% (that may possibly be the most boring sentence I ever write). GDP is basically how much money the country earns. A rise of 0.3% isn't really much, but it is at least a positive, so the government are claiming victory. I don't want to be really negative and doom-monger, but this 0.3% increase over the first part of this year only really cancels out the 0.3% decrease we had at the end of last year.

The really puzzling thing however, is that nobody, including the government, seems to know how this rise has come about. The Tories said they would increase GDP through manufacturing and building, but for the most part the figures for these industries are down. The industries which have been causing an increase in the GDP seem to be service industries, such as hotels and restaurants, which is in some way probably just down to an increase in demand due to an increasing and ageing population.

Overall any positive news seems to be an accident, but it is a happy accident nonetheless. Whatever happens, I don't think I'll ever be saying well done to George Osborne. Unless he resigns. Maybe.

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