Saturday, April 20, 2013

Doctor Who made no sense.

Now I know that Doctor Who is fictional, but this Saturday's episode made no sense at all. Obviously I want the writers to be creative and make things up, but they should at least justify their creations in some way. Actually, to be fair, most of the things were sort of explained, but then moments later were contradicted. The Tardis said it wouldn't be able to survive a trip of 10 seconds into a collapsing universe, yet in the episode it makes two journeys of about 20 seconds. I know this is an incredibly nerdy post but I feel like I need a PHD to understand the show now. Being so complicated isn't always a bad thing (sometimes it makes you want to watch it again) but when it is so complicated and makes no sense then I wonder why I watch it.

Fortunately the show still has some good characters, monsters and story lines, otherwise it probably wouldn't be worth the effort of watching it and trying to understand it. The thing that worries me is that if the episodes lack curiosity, novelty, or pace then they really aren't going to be very good. Next week's episode does look quite entertaining, as we get to explore the Tardis. Here's hoping.

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