Friday, April 5, 2013

Another post about TV.

I have previously posted about how TV this year (2013) has peaked early. I was hoping to be proved wrong and maybe I will be. Fortunately Doctor Who has returned and this week so does Not Going Out and Have I Got News For You. The Indian Premier League (IPL) has also returned, which is always fun. In fact I think the IPL merits a post of its own, but I'll wait until it has got going a bit more.

I'm glad Not Going Out is back as it is one of those shows that you can watch repeatedly and still find funny. Have I Got News For You is always good, although I'm finding Ian Hislop increasingly irritating. Doctor Who is one of those few remaining shows that the whole family actually gather around the television to watch together. The opening episode wasn't great, but it certainly wasn't bad and it sets up some intriguing mysteries for the rest of the series to explain.

The Grand National will be on so there is the usual excitement if you've got any sort of bet on a horse. I might end up posting about it, it depends how entertaining it is. I'll try and avoid any more horse meat puns.

Anyway, here's hoping TV will improve, or at least repeat good stuff, instead of churning out more plonk.

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