Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A little help for the UK Government.

If you've been watching BBC news at all then you'll realise that there are some quite serious issues facing the nation. I'm no expert on these things, or anything really, but there do seem to be some common sense solutions to a lot of the problems. Here is a handy guide to get the ball rolling.


Now the government decided to cut NHS budgets and services a while ago, which is obviously a bad idea. Now things are getting very serious indeed. Patients are not receiving the level of care that they need. Now this is not the fault of nurses. Nurses do a difficult job for long hours on pay that is far from what they deserve. The problem is that there aren't enough nurses. The government claim that nurses need more training in basic skills like simply dealing with getting patients cleaned and dressed and that this will solve the problem. Nurses aren't stupid, they know how to dress and wash people and look after them. Caring is a much more difficult thing to do than people realise. Nurses are caring for lots of people at the same time so they need more help. Now instead of training already qualified and caring nurses to do things they already know how to do, why not invest in the NHS and provide more nursing staff. Recent surveys show that staff at hospitals think they need more staff. Now if there were more nurses then there would be less people unemployed, so less people on unemployment benefit, people would recover more quickly in hospital and as a result of all of this the economy would be better off, but more importantly people would be healthier and happier.


Over the past year the number of people requiring food banks has doubled. That means that twice as many people are going hungry. In 2013, in a developed country this should not be happening. This problem is more complicated than it seems at first glance. People are needing food banks because they can't afford food. The reason why they can't afford it is because they either can't get a job, or are too busy caring for somebody and they've had their benefits cut. The simple answer to this is to not cut benefits for people who need them and to generate jobs so people can afford food. If these jobs are created by the state then the money will be going back into the economy anyway because people will be spending their wages on essentials.

Cosmetic Surgery

It has become too comericalised, casual and risky to have cosmetic surgery. There are now too many products that could be harmful that people are now willingly injecting into their face. The government alone can not solve this problem, but they really do need to put regulations in place because I think we've all seen what can happen when cosmetic surgery goes wrong. The other aspect if this problem is our society. We need to take a long hard look at ourselves if we have got to the point where to feel accepted in society you have to look a certain way and to get to look that way you have to inject some unknown chemical into your face.

CO2 Emissions

After promising to be the greenest government ever it has been revealed that the UK's CO2 emissions have gone up. This would be surprising if you were naive enough to think the government would keep a promise. The really worrying thing about this however is that climate change seems to be quite far down in the government's list of priorities. Part of the reasons for increased levels of CO2 is our dependency on fossil fuels, which really must change as it is a crisis waiting to happen. Secondly there is no point reducing the deficit and trying (but in reality failing anyway) to create growing economy if we ruin the environment. When you consider how big a part tourism plays in the economy it would be criminal to ruin the environment.

Well there are just a few helpful hints for just a few of the problems. Nobody will ever listen to them but at least I'm trying. AT LEAST I'M TRYING!

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