Friday, April 26, 2013

Busy day, don't worry, be happy.

I quite enjoy doing this blog (I'd enjoy it more if people commented and things but ah, oh well) but I've been really rather busy today so I'm afraid you'll have to be content with this.

I think I'll do a few more posts on current events and politics etc, some about music and maybe continue some of the series I've been doing, like Yeehaw News Roundups, Things I Don't Understand and Adverts.

One thing I really want to do is to be more cheerful and more positive. There are plenty of bad things out there, and unless I'm warning you to help you, then you don't really need me to point them out. It is the little good things that often go unnoticed, because the news rarely reports them and people rarely talk about them.

Think about the good things, because most of the time you can't do a single thing to stop the bad things from happening anyway. You can make good things happen though. If we can't make each other happy, with all our technology and civilisation and knowledge and wealth and power then what is the point in having all that? We're all going to wind up dead and what use is money or power then? In the mean time be happy and be nice to each other.

When measuring a man's success, don't count money, count happiness.

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