Saturday, April 13, 2013


I've tried to avoid doing a post about music because it can often divide opinion and I'll end up missing out on a genre and people will be unhappy. That said, there has been so painfully little good new music lately I felt I should post about some of my favourite songs. The kind of songs you can listen to over and over. They're not in any particular order and you've probably heard them, but just in case you've not, or you've forgotten about them, here they are.

Oasis - Champagne Supernova

There are a few Oasis songs I could've chosen, but at over 7 minutes long Champagne Supernova definitely offers value for money. It it one of those songs you'll find yourself singing along to, over and over. There is something about Oasis that makes you know all the words to their songs without really listening to them that much.

Paul Simon - You Can Call Me Al

It's a brilliantly catchy song and Paul Simon is a fantastic singer. If this is the only song you've heard by him they you really should search him on YouTube and listen to some of his other work.

Rusted Root - Send Me On My Way

If you've seen Ice Age then you'll recognise this song. Other catchy one that is just downright pleasant. Slightly unusual but always cheers me up.

The Dubliners - Donegal Danny

A quite simply brilliant Irish folk song by the utterly fantastic Irish band The Dubliners. There are about 20 of their songs that could make it onto this list, but this is one of my favourites. The song is about fishermen lost at sea, told from the point of view of one of the survivors as he tells his tale in his pub. The music and the way the song is sung makes you feel as though you are really there. Sublime

Bobby Darin - Beyond the Sea

Often wrongly attributed to Frank Sinatra, this classic song is brilliantly performed. It has been used in many films and other things, but quite rightly so. A truly great song.

Well there is just a few of my top songs. I actually quite enjoyed writing this because it meant listening to them. I'll probably do another. Some time. Anyway, happy listening and don't forget to comment.

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