Sunday, May 19, 2013


I didn't post yesterday because I was too busy and tired. I did manage to watch the latter half of The Eurovision Song Contest. The contest is really strange in many ways. There is plenty of music from artists all around the world, yet we in Europe decide to have a contest to see who can have the best song. None of the songs are any good really. It is like choosing the nicest smelling poo. If you actually take music and singing and dancing out of the contest then it is actually quite nice. It isn't often Europe comes together, despite most countries being members of the European Union. Sweden did a good job of hosting it, although it must have cost a fortune. On the topic of cost, it is a good thing Greece didn't win because I seriously doubt they could afford to host it. It would've just been a bloke called Stavros stood in a shed playing the songs on YouTube. 

Generally speaking, Eurovision probably is a good thing. At the end of the day, it is just a bit of fun, although I've only ever watched Eurovision in Britain, so I don't know how seriously other countries take it. I like to think that during Eurovision, ordinary people from across Europe just have some fun and a good laugh while watching Eurovision, not taking it seriously and using it as an excuse to drink and have a bit of a party. 

The European economy may be doomed, but at least we can all be doomed together. 

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