Sunday, May 5, 2013

Things I don't understand. Volume 3.

The third instalment in the ever-growing list of things I don't understand.

1. Churches

If God is everywhere and you can praise him in loads of different ways, why are there churches?

2. The word 'chocoholic'

The word 'alcoholic' comes from 'alcohol', so 'chocoholic' would imply that there is such a thing as 'chocohol', but there isn't. (Please note I am aware of the existence of chocolate and that people are addicted to it).

3. Japanese writing

I do not understand Japanese writing.

4. The popularity of beef

I can't figure out why beef is so popular. It doesn't taste of anything special, it doesn't have a particularly good texture, it isn't environmentally friendly and it isn't cheap. Unless you count corned beef, but that is just terrible. If corned beef was actual beef then you could punch a hole through a cow. Easily.

5. The popularity of tea

I'm not really a tea drinker, but I can see the appeal of tea. I do not however understand why, in Britain especially, it is drank religiously. There are tastier, healthier and more refreshing options.

6. Bankers' bonuses

I know this is an easy target and has been for about 5 years now, but that is partly my point. After 5 years of it, why has barely anything been done? Why aren't people outraged? Stupid people.

That's all for now, more soon.

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