Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Ferguson retires.

Sir Alex Ferguson has retired. Many people have been shocked by his decision to retire, but at the age of 71 is it really that surprising? He has also won pretty much everything worth winning during his time as Manchester United Manager and leaves the club in a very strong position, as league winners. I probably should mention at this point that I don't know much about football (soccer). I take a casual interest but I don't support a team at any level. I do have soft spots for certain teams and players I like more than others, but I'm not biased like some die hard supporters can be.

No doubt Fergie will have some who love him and some who loath him, but regardless of your opinion, you simply can't deny that he is a fantastic manager and arguably the best ever. His record speaks for itself and sometimes during his managerial career that should have been the only thing talking. He has often been in trouble with the FA for comments over match officials and regularly frustrates journalists at press conferences.

Personally I have to say I quite like Sir Alex. He can sometimes sound like a sore loser, but for the most part he seems to be gracious in defeat. He doesn't do anything dramatic in news conferences and usually answers questions with a straight bat, which is always good in my opinion. His passion for the game and in particular Manchester United is amazing. To do a job for as long as he has is impressive. I think the only things I'll do for as long as 27 years are eat, sleep and breathe.

So, as somebody who doesn't know an awful lot about football and isn't really a football fan, congratulations Sir Alex Ferguson and enjoy life after management.

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