Monday, May 27, 2013

Things I don't understand. Volume 4.

Yes, there's more.

1. Why don't more places sell toast?

Toast is cheap, tasty, quite good for you, releases energy slowly and can have a variety of toppings. Why aren't there many places you can buy toast? Surely there is a profit to be made, bread isn't exactly pricey and  you could probably power a toaster fairly cheaply and easily.

2. Egyptian writing

I do not understand Egyptian writing.

3. Talent competitions

Since when did being the best singer or the best cook out of the people who turned up to audition become so important? Talent shows now have got way to self important. Presenters and judges make it out like it is fantastically important to everyone, but it isn't. When did light entertainment become more important than debating the future of the health service or education? People are idiots.

4. This theory I have devised

I don't really understand my own theory in that I don't know if it is possible (answers in the comments box please). Now, if something was travelling at x miles per hour towards a wall and was slowing down by half x miles per hour as the distance between it and the wall halved, would it ever touch? Because you can't half something and get zero. The object would always be moving closer to the wall and always getting slower, but never stop and never hit.

5. David Bowie

I just don't understand why he is as popular as he is. To me he is just very overrated and weird. Some would say genius, but I'm going to stick with weird.

That's all for now. Until next time.

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