Friday, May 31, 2013

About yesterday and also some things to watch.

Apologies for not posting anything yesterday, but other things got in the way. Namely, my internet provider failing like an octopus on a driving test. Anyway, I'm back now. I could talk about World No Tobacco Day, but it'd be boring, we all know smoking is bad for your health. Instead I'm just going to go through a few of my favourite things that I have on DVD and watch frequently.


It is brilliant. I think I've watched every episode several times and every time they are still funny. I have no idea why this show has been cancelled twice, especially when you think about how many awful shows have got so many series.

Not Going Out

I have no idea how well known this is outside of the UK, but Lee Mack's sitcom is very funny. Clever and witty with plenty of one liners and visual gags, but I'm not sure how well it would be received outside of Britain.

Father Ted

Totally and utterly brilliant. It is set in Ireland on a fictional island called Craggy Island (I am well aware how many times island was mentioned in that sentence, sorry) and revolves around the inhabitants of the parochial   house (3 priests and a housekeeper). It isn't your typical sitcom and the way I described it doesn't make it sound anywhere near as good as it is. I honestly don't think I will ever tire of watching it.

They are my top three, not necessarily in that order. Now go and watch them and tell me what you think.

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