Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Stop killing everything!

We are so screwed. I've already done a post about how doomed we are, but now a report is out showing how we a destroying the living things around us. The UK Wildlife Stocktake shows that 60% of species have declined in the past 50 years and that 1 in 10 could disappear all together. Turtle Doves, Hedgehogs, Butterflies, Moths, Bees, plants and trees have all suffered significant declines. At what point to we stop just killing things and destroying habitat and poisoning land and water? There is now only one Bastard Gumwood tree left in the world. One. One tree away from another species being wiped out and lost for ever. The BBC have a useful, but frankly terrifying break down of some parts of the report.

Now, I could go on about how bad the situation is, but in reality that probably won't do much good. Not all of the problems are man-made, but the majority are. So, rather than bang on about it, here are some ways you can help and make a difference.

There are many different conservation organisations in Britain that you can help or learn from, or learn more about or even volunteer at. There is DEFRA, the Environment Agency, Natural England, the RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, The Woodland Trust and many, many more

Even if you're too lazy to look at any of those websites for some things to do to help, you can always just throw some food out for the birds. 

Basically, the simple version is, STOP KILLING EVERYTHING!

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