Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Oklahoma tornado.

I'm sure you've already heard about the devastating tornado that has hit the town of Moore in Oklahoma. I sincerely hope that more people are found alive and that the town can rebuild quickly, both physically and emotionally. For those of you who might be praying for the people effected, don't bother, praying is just to make you feel like you're helping when you're not. If you want to help then donate money to a relevant charity.

One thing that surprised me as a Brit, is how much devastation was caused by the tornado. Obviously I expected destruction, but I honestly thought that a rich country like the USA, in an area known for tornadoes would have mitigated better in terms of the infrastructure. I know this was an exceptional storm and people didn't have much time to do anything other than run for shelter, but surely more should be done to mitigate against further disasters? I'm sure people are educated on what to do in the event of a hurricane but more education on the matter can't go wrong. Perhaps more advanced warning systems should be put in place? Perhaps build a community tornado shelter underground? Maybe the houses and and other structures could be built to better withstand extremely high winds? Would it be possible to alter the houses just before a storm hits to make them more aerodynamic and less likely to blow over to one side? I'm clearly not an expert on this (or any other matter) but common sense shows that more should be done.

I think we can all agree that we don't want disasters like this happening to anyone, anywhere, at any time.

Good luck Oklahoma.

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