Friday, May 24, 2013

A look at today's news *SPOILERS* (as in it might spoil your day).

Checking the main news websites for inspiration on what to post about today has been a bad idea. It has given me something to write about but bloody hell, it is depressing. 

Children are watching porn, making sex education lessons in school almost impossible. A British Airways plane engine set on fire. The UK was just 6 hours away from running out of gas. People have been arrested over tweets and the BBC have wasted £100 million on a scrapped IT project. 

On the plus side, it is quite sunny. In fact, it is a really nice day where I am. And all of these terrible things that have happened don't really affect me, so why should I, or anybody else really be depressed because of the news. The news is always biased towards bad news. Any good news stories tend to be pushed out of the way. Bad news is easier to sell than good news, so even stories that aren't really that bad are made out to be much worse on the news. In reality here is some of today's news.

A British Airways plane engine set on fire during flight, but thanks to the qualified pilot the aircraft was landed safely, with nobody injured or killed. Well done pilot. 

The BBC have spent £100 million on a project that has unfortunately not worked. The ambitious and commendable aim of the project was to create a digital archive. Hopefully this project will lead to further improved and ultimately successful projects that create a full digital archive, something which would be very useful and enable future generations to look back on.

Amidst the devastation of the Oklahoma tornado a baby boy was boy.

All in all, it is very, very easy to get depressed about what is going on in the world. But if things were really as bad as the news makes it out to be then I think we would all have been killed in a terror attack or a natural disaster or by food or something by now. Go and read a book or look out of the window or listen to bird song, don't bother watching the news, they don't report on the things that might kill us all anyway. 

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