Saturday, May 4, 2013

Just a few ramblings.

The episode of Doctor Who today was better, but there were still some stupid bits. In particular the two irritating children that look like they'll be featuring in the future.

UKIP are idiots. Most people who vote for them are ignorant. I may offend people by saying this, but really, I don't care. Losing bigoted readers who vote UKIP is no great loss.

A big thank you to firefighters everywhere for the brilliant job you do (it is International Firefighters' Day after all)

I hope all Star Wars fans have a good Star Wars Day (May the fourth be with you).

Please no more talent shows on T.V unless it is actually interesting. Please.

Listening to something like Ode To Joy or the 1812 Overture Finale whilst on the toilet will make your bowel movements seem EPIC.

Beef is over-rated.

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