Saturday, May 25, 2013

Towel Day!

Finally, it has arrived. Towel Day is a day to celebrate the wonderful works of Douglas Adams and also to celebrate how amazing towels are. I can't really explain to you just how brilliant Douglas Adams' books are, so go and read them. What I can do though, is explain to you how fantastic towels are. Towels are cheap, last a long time and are unbelievably useful. Towels can be used:

To dry things off.

To keep something damp and cool.

To keep the sun off you.

To lie on.

To clean yourself.

To hold an amount of liquid.

To strangle someone.

To whip or hit someone.

To carry things.

To filter air or liquid.

To stop you from breathing in harmful gases or things in the air.

As a windbreak.

As a sail.

To waft gasses.

As a curtain.

To attract attention.

To help make smoke signals.

As a hammock.

As a pillow.

To put out a fire.

To write a message on.

To hide behind or underneath.

As a tribute to Douglas Adams.

Now, remember where you towel is and go and read something by Douglas Adams, the amazingness of towels is just the beginning.

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