Sunday, May 12, 2013

Reasons why we're all doomed.

I've tried to be optimistic in my postings lately, but honestly, it is much easier to be miserable. I don't think there could be a much more pessimistic topic to write upon than this. So, here are some reasons why we (humans) are all doomed. Doomed!

Nuclear War

The threat comes and goes as countries go through phrases. At present North Korea would probably be voted 'Most Likely to Cause a Nuclear Holocaust', but it'll be somewhere else someday. No matter who presses the button in the end, it won't matter, we'll all wind up dead. Or at best mutated.

Climate Change

This is quite a broad topic. Climate change might lead to sea level rise, which would flood vast areas of land, either killing or displacing millions of people. Climate change may also cause drought, famine, fires and an increase in global temperatures. All the while we'll just keep on polluting and create our own downfall.

Meteorite Strike

Some people moan when the trains go on strike, well that is nothing compared to a meteorite strike. It is probable that a meteorite killed the dinosaurs and there were lots of them and they were big and scary. What chance do we have? A meteorite could hit us any time now but scientists are too busy making anti-ageing cream instead of building a great big laser to defend us.


In case you can't guess from the name, a supervolcano is a GIGANTIC VOLCANO. Imagine a terrifying volcano. Then imagine that it is as big as Yellowstone National Park, because Yellowstone National Park is a supervolcano and it is due to erupt any time from, well, now. Oh and there is another supervolcano in Iceland that is ready to pop. And by pop I mean explode in such a devastating way that everything in the immediate area would be obliterated, the air would become toxic, the sun would be blocked out and the earth would be plunged into an new ice age.


Most MEDC's (More Economically Developed Countries) have ageing populations and many LEDC's (Less Economically Developed Countries. Yeah, I know, you could've guessed) have high birth rates. Sooner or later there is just going to be too many people. Actually I think this has already happened, but either way we will end up living beyond our means and the planet will be bankrupt of food and water and space.

The sun f**king explodes

Yes, that's right, the sun might explode. The massive ball of burning chemicals might decide to stop sparking life on this planet and instead destroy it and everything around it in an enormous supernova. Literally nothing we can do about that. Can't run, can't hide. Chance of survival - 0%. But the DFS sale will still be on.

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