Friday, May 17, 2013

Yeehaw! It's yet another news roundup.

If you've read the others you know how this goes.

The Fire Service

The government have commissioned a review that says the Fire Service needs to be made more efficient and effective. Whilst nobody would have complaints about making important services more efficient and affective, the report the government have released contradicts itself. The report says incidents are down 40% over the past 10 years, which would in fact suggest that the Fire Service is being very effective in preventing fires. It is also more efficient to prevent fires than to let them happen and then put them out. In this respect it wouldn't seem that the Fire Service needs reforming. The other argument offered is that although the amount of incidents are down 40% the number of firefighters (who do a brilliant job) is still roughly the same. The population is increasing and urban areas are expanding, so the Fire Service has shown that it is being more efficient if it can deal with today's demand using roughly the same amount of staff as it did 10 years ago. In reality there are probably aspects of the Fire Service which could be improved upon, but this report today is just an excuse for the government to continue with their cuts to vital services.

Nigel Farage

Well done Scotland for not being bigots like many voters in England who voted UKIP. Farage (UKIP leader) is visiting Scotland and on Thursday was hounded by protesters who were calling him a bigot and a racist, which he is. Farage has since hung up during an interview with the BBC, attacked people in favour of Scottish independence and labelled the protesters as fascists in a mind-bendingly ironic statement. What a pillock.

Gay Marriage

The gay marriage debate still rumbles on in the UK, but I really have no idea why. If two men, or two women are in love with each other why can't they get married? If it is against your religion so what? People support the England football team but they don't stop people supporting the country that they're from, they just support their side and let everyone else do the same. Just let people be, it isn't doing any harm.

There are some other stories, but they are obvious things we already knew, like that there are too many nuisance telephone calls and that disability benefit assessments are unfair, so I won't bother talking about them. Bye for now.

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