Tuesday, May 14, 2013

European Uni-in or out? (Worst title pun yet?)

The conservative government is arguing as to whether or not the UK should remain in the European Union or not. How this argument has gone on for so long is amazing. Surely we have to stay in the EU? We have already adopted lots of EU law, rules and regulations which we would have to replace ourselves at a cost. The UK does most of its trading within the EU so leaving it now, when we desperately need to be importing and exporting would be plain stupid. 

UKIP and other moronic groups are campaigning to leave the EU over immigration. The truth is, there has always been immigration to this country and at no point have I ever felt threatened or worried by this. The United Kingdom needs immigrants and the cultural diversity that immigrants bring to Britain should be celebrated. Would you really want a nation full of Nigel Farages?

The other topic regarding the EU debate is whether or not to have a referendum. Asking the people to decide whether or not we should stay in the EU is a terrible idea, for two main reasons. The first reason is that people are stupid. The second reason is that you'd be asking the same people who voted for this government what to do. 

The United Kingdom should stay in the European Union, end of debate: European Uni-in.

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