Thursday, May 9, 2013

Classical music.

I know not everyone is a fan of classical music and to be honest, I only like a relatively small selection of pieces. Whilst I'm not a massive fan, I do appreciate the music and when you find a good piece of classic music it is usually really good. Here are some of my favourites.

The Nutcracker, Op. 71: No . 13 Waltz of the Flowers - Tchaikovsky

A brilliant piece from start to finish. Has a wonderful sway to it and you can't help but imagine dancers waltzing to the tune. It is incredibly difficult not to sway some part of you to this and when the finale comes there is a good chance you'll find yourself conducting.

Hungarian Dance No. 5 in G Minor - Brahms

This can sometimes get stuck in your head and has great changes of tempo. Definitely one to play nice and loud. Really loud

First Arabesque - Debussy

A beautiful piano piece with fantastic timing. Debussy may be better known for Claire De Lune, but his First Arabesque is in my opinion just as good, if not better.

Morning - Grieg

It is very rare that a piece of music suits something perfectly, but this masterpiece by Grieg is quite simply wonderful and frankly, listening to it at any other time than the morning seems wrong. Impossible to be angry whilst listening to this.

Radetzky March - Strauss

The best march you'll find. Has a perfect beat and is very good to clap along to. Another one well worth playing loud and that you'll find yourself conducting.

William Tell Overture: Finale - Rossini

Everyone has probably heard it at some point and it is a very popular and well used choice, but that is because it is so brilliant. You might not imagine you're conducting but you might imagine you're riding a horse.

Dambusters March - Eric Coates

This one is probably more for any British readers, but it is still a brilliant march so enjoy it for what it is.

The Planets: Jupiter - The Bringer of Jollity

Another popular piece but bloody hell, it is good. There are several brilliant tunes rolled into one here yet the music flows superbly.

Can Can - Offenbach

If you don't know this then you've been living in a cave, on the moon, with your fingers in your ears, going lalalalalalala and if you don't like it then there is something clinically wrong with you. Go and see a doctor if you don't enjoy this.

There are some fantastic pieces that I haven't put in but they are out there for you to find so go and discover and love them. I simply couldn't finish without this final piece though. Enjoy.

1812 Overture - Tchaikovsky

My hairs stand on end when I listen to the finale to this. If I'm going to die in a car crash or an explosion I want this playing in the background; there is no better way to go. This also backs up my argument that we have already peaked as a species. If aliens landed on the planet I'd show them this because I don't think you could find a better example of music. It has a full brass band, a piccolo, 2 flutes, 2 oboes, an English horn, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 4 horns, 2 cornets, 2 trumpets, 3 trombones, a tuba, a timpani, an orchestral bass drum, a snare drum, cymbals, a tambourine, a triangle, a carillon, first and second violins, violas, vioncellos and double basses and cannons for Christ's sake! So, beat that.

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