Monday, May 13, 2013


Moustaches clearly equal greatness, or power at least. This isn't just a wild claim, I do have things to back this up.

Charlie Chaplin is one of the most legendary film stars, and he had a moustache. Granted, Hitler also had a similar moustache and he wasn't so great, but he did manage to become the leader of Germany. Again, Stalin, not exactly the gentlest of leaders, but he was the leader of a powerful nation nonetheless. Che Guevara is another example of moustache power.

From the late 19th century until 1916 it was practically compulsory for members of the British army to have a moustache. In fact, prior to the 21st century almost every successful military leader had a moustache.

Other greats with moustaches include Salvador Dali, Albert Einstein, Freddie Mercury and Mahatma Gandhi.

Many great fictional characters have moustaches, like Mr Miyagi and Mario.

There are plenty of sporting greats who have sported moustaches. Rugby league player Scott Dureau kicked the longest drop goal of his career...when he had a moustache.

Joining this list of moustachioed legends is the best astronaut ever, Chris Hadfield. His tweets with pictures and videos from the International Space Station have been brilliant.

So, there is you answer to the problems facing the world right now:

More moustaches, more greatness.

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