Thursday, March 28, 2013

Yeehaw! It's a news roundup.

In case you didn't guess from the title, this is a roundup of the news. I'm doing this because basically I can't find enough to write about on just one of the main news stories today. Anyway, here goes.


If you have read some of my other posts then you will have realised that I am far from an expert on economies. That said, does anybody understand exactly what is going on in Cyprus? The banks don't have money and the people have lost their money that they had saved in the banks. Now this isn't the people's fault, yet they are the ones suffering. I know printing money off can cause rapid inflation, but I'm becoming increasingly convinced that the money is literally lost. Not gambled away, but lost, down the back of a sofa or something. I'm sure if they printed out more money and put it into banks nobody would notice. If that fails, Cyprus is sunny; has anyone thought of investing in solar power over there? (if this is a good idea, which it probably isn't, please don't steal it, unless you work for the Cypriot government, in which case I'd just like a free holiday. Thanks).

The Pope

Clearly the Pope hasn't taken my advice on how to make himself more Pope-ular (yes, that pun again) and is instead washing prisoners' feet. I'm not entirely sure why he does this, but then again very little in any religion makes much sense. It might seem like a nice gesture, but to be honest I'd hate having someone wash my feet, especially an old man who I don't know.

Oscar Pistorius

The murderer has been allowed to travel and possibly compete in athletics events once more. I presume he has changed his speciality from short-distance running to shooting.

Nelson Mandela

Get well soon. 

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