Tuesday, March 26, 2013

People who annoy me.

Like everyone (I think), there are certain people who just really irritate me. Here are my top people to grrrr at.

Brian Cox

There are a few reasons why he annoys me. Firstly he talks so slowly I can't help but clench my fists. His shows on the BBC are already using a whopping chunk of the license fee by transporting him around the globe for a shot which will last about 10 seconds. You'd really think he ought to speak a bit faster and give a bit better value for money. The other thing that annoys me is the way he seems to have become a higher level of authority than many scientists and professors. He is intelligent, I get it, but he isn't exactly Einstein. He isn't any better than most university lecturers, but because he used to be in a mediocre 90's band he is the greatest gift to science since the invention of the microscope. The final thing that annoys me is the way he finds everything he is talking about 'amazing'. Now of course there are many amazing things in the universe, I don't argue that, but he acts like he is the only being on Earth that is intellectually developed enough to comprehend that something might be amazing.

Mark Zuckerberg

In case you didn't know, he is the inventor of Facebook. Firstly Facebook is awful. If you are a Facebook user then stop using it, take a step back and you will see how utterly terrible it is. Secondly, Zuckerberg looks exactly like the kind of person who, ironically, doesn't have many friends. Or at least real life friends, which probably explains a lot.

Any of the Chasers on ITV's The Chase

They are all incredibly annoying and terribly un-British. Mark Labbett is undoubtedly the most annoying. He is so smug because he is so good at quizzes, but if I sat around all day not doing anything, as Labbett evidently does, then I'm pretty sure I'd become good at quizzes. They are obviously told to act in a manner that irritates people, but well, it bloody well works.

The people on the Lloyd's TSB adverts

The lives they lead, the way they act, the fact they never speak and the noses you just want to punch into shape make me grit my teeth whenever these adverts come on.

George Osborne

I can JUST about tolerate the other Tories, all be it for a VERY short length of time, but I simply can not stand George Osborne. Literally every action he takes annoys me. He has a face you'd never tire of hitting. Ever.

Well they are my top people to hate. There are more but maybe I'll save them for when they irritate me further.

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