Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Adverts can sometimes be brilliant. However they can also be supremely awful. Here are some of my best and worst so far this year.


Well for starters its got Eric Cantona in, who actually shows some comedic acting ability. Secondly the music is good and finally it doesn't take itself too seriously. Oh and I like beer. 10/10


The advert just depresses me. The child starts off playing with a spaceship, using his imagination to create a wonderful world that only he knows. Once his father (I presume) shows up with a new car everything changes. Suddenly the new car is the best toy. Quite depressing really. That child has almost a lifetime of driving a car, but only a precious few years when he can play and imagine, without worrying about miles per gallon, or insurance, or crashing to his death in a burning ball of flames and screaming terror after drinking all night because his wife left him for a richer man, who, ironically, can afford a new car. 2/10

Diet Coke

Apparently Coca Cola still have the attitudes towards women that they had when the company was first established. Some cackling women sit atop of a hill and roll a can of Diet Coke towards a gardener mowing the grass in a criminally inefficient manner. The can of poison, sorry, Coke, rolls into the side of the lawn mower, only narrowly avoiding being ran over and causing shards of metal to fly into his face and permanently disfigure him. The stupid woman who rolled the can then signals to the gardener to drink it. The gardener is of course too stupid to realise that a can of fizzy drink will explode in his face if he opens it. Naturally he gets wet and takes his shirt off, causing the women to turn into dribbling morons. Frankly this advert is offensive to women, gardeners and the watching public who are somehow expected to believe that Diet Coke is brilliantly healthy, much better than regular Coke. It may be better but only in the same way that breaking your leg is better than breaking both your legs. -8/10


Okay, ignore everything about this advert, apart from what the toothbrush does to the underside of the egg (18-21 second in). Don't know why, but I just find it funny. 7/10

Well, its only March so no doubt they'll be plenty more good and not so good at all adverts to comment on. That's all I can think of for now though.

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