Monday, March 25, 2013

A brief rant against Apple.

We all know about Apple, in fact some of you are probably sat reading this on an Apple product, but I really hate Apple. I actually own an iPod, only because it is the only thing I have ever won in a competition and it is really good, but at the same time I hate it. I hate the way iTunes presumes I want to do everything its way, like iTunes knows better than poor old me. I don't want my music synced, I don't want a fancy playlist, I don't care for album artwork, okay, so leave me alone.

I can at least say I have never purchased an Apple product. Now I appreciate that they can be good products, but bloody hell they're not that good. The way Apple launches a product makes it sound like it is going to be more life changing than having a baby. They are so over-priced too. You're basically paying for shine. A key difference between Apple products and other products is that they are shinier. (They're also a rip off of old Braun products).

The main thing that really annoys me about Apple is their advertising. They are so self-congratulatory that is is only a matter of time before they disappear up their own backside. Every advert basically goes on about all the things you can do on an iSomething, like it is more amazing than actually doing any of those things in real life. Oooh look I can look at the stars on my iPhone. Oooh look I can drink a glass of beer on my iPod. Oooh look I can have a conversation with someone on my iPad. Having a conversation with someone through a mobile piece of technology that has existed for almost 30 years, but now in a bigger form is hardly something worth shouting about. Secondly, doing all of these 'amazing' things on your various sized iSlabs is nothing compared to actually doing them. Don't gawk at your iPad going on about how amazing the galaxy is, go to the country and spend a night under the stars. Start doing things for real instead of doing them virtually.

iTunes has helped to ruin cinema and music and books (don't even get me started on the evil that is the Kindle), don't let it ruin other aspects of real life. Please.

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