Saturday, March 9, 2013

Justin Bieber.

Anyone who has read more of my blog than just this post will know that I am not exactly a fan of Justin Bieber (I have no idea why he name is pronounced "bee-ber" when the way it is spelled suggests it should be pronounced "by-ber"). My general dislike/intense hatred (depending on my mood) of Justin Bieber is automatic as I am a man. I can just tell he is a massive d**k head, even before he turns up late to his own gig that hundreds of stupid young girls have wasted their lives by going to and paid loads of money for the dubious privilege. Women say they have "women's intuition" or "gaydar" or "can feel it in their waters", well I, along with most men, have an in-built tw*t detector. Said detector notches up full whenever Justin Bieber is mentioned. In case you think this is all nonsense, I have evidence.

He dresses like a prat.

He looks like a idiot.

He behaves like a buffoon.

He has no real talent.

He doesn't realise he has no real talent.

His music is terrible.

He doesn't realise his music is terrible.

He is just a craze that won't last much longer.

He doesn't realise he is just a craze that won't last much longer.

He turned up to his own concert late and probably past his bedtime.

In summary, Bieber is ignorant and is to music what a cattle grid is to a bee keeper; completely useless and makes an annoying sound.

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