Saturday, March 2, 2013

Utterly Pointless.

Well, I know I said I'd try and make this blog in some way useful, but instead here are my top 10 pointless websites. Enjoy!

1. Eel slap!

If you want to slap a perfectly innocent human being with an eel through the magic that is the internet then this website is most definitely for you. If you want to do it over and over again and backwards then feel free, but this is not a useful way to spend 3 hours.

2.  Feed the Head

Difficult one to explain. Obviously you do sort of feed a head, but there is more to it than that, although none of it makes sense. Strangely addictive but DO NOT attempt to try it in real life.

3. walama


4. Random colour

Does this need an explanation?

5. Has the Large Hadron Collider Destroyed the World yet?

Just in case you want to be sure, this website has to be the first place you look.


All glory to the Hypnotoad!


Fool your friends! Although it is disturbing. Really disturbing.

8. Chicken on a Raft

Well worth a look just for the song!


Okay, so you can probably guess what this one is, but it is better than you think, especially if you like bees.


I had to end on this. So glad I found this page. Goodbye!

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