Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Douglas Adams.

Yes, yes, this seems like another post inspired by a Google Doodle, but I was going to do this anyway, I'm just glad Google have decided to do a Doodle.

The author of the brilliant Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, among many other excellent works, would've been celebrating his 61'st birthday. So to honour this marvelous chap here are some things which Douglas Adams has taught us that you really ought to know.

Space is big, really really big. "You won't believe how vastly hugely mindbogglingly big it is."

Letting a bulldozer run over somebody will do no damage the bulldozer.

42 is the answer.

Towels are phenomenally, amazingly, brilliantly, fantastically, splendidly, marvelously, excellently, wonderfully, superbly, completely and utterly, undeniably useful.

"It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes".

Robots can be depressed.

The universe is bizarre.

The secret to flying.

People are generally unhappy or idiots. Often both.

So, if you're curious about any of the above, well, go and read Mr Adams' works. You've not got an excuse now. Go on, go. Stop reading this rubbish and fill your mind with brilliance.

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