Monday, March 18, 2013

Pope Francis: How to become more Pope-ular.

Well, my post about who the next Pope might be turned out to be entirely wrong (no surprises there), but that isn't stopping me giving the new guy in charge some advice on how to make himself more popular (and yes I have used the same Pope pun in a title twice now).

Do a Harlem Shake

Every other group of about 6 people of more is doing one. A Papal Harlem Shake would be an instant YouTube hit. The Pope starting it all off and then suddenly he's surrounded by hundreds of raving cardinals and bishops all waving their hats and sticks in the Vatican. What could possibly go wrong?

Release a Piano Cover Version of a Popular Song

Every wannabe female singer seems to be doing it. Can't help to show your feminine side to women Catholics. Stay clear of Bat Out of Hell though.

Give Everyone a Day Off

You're the boss now Mr Pope, so get everyone on your side and give them holiday. Let all those bishops let their hair down and do whatever the hell they can still do to enjoy themselves.


Stephen Fry has basically made himself Pope of Twitter. Tweet your conversations with God. #SmiteTheSinners

Don't Turn Up Late to a Gig/Mass/Balcony Waving Thing

There isn't much to be learned from Justin Bieber, but seriously, don't be late for your fans.

Right, there you go Pope Francis. You can't go wrong with that advice. You'll be the most Pope-ular Pope with all your Poping that there has ever been.

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