Wednesday, March 20, 2013

World Down Syndrome/Poetry/Puppetry Day (and one other day)

The ever-reliable fact resource Wikipedia informs me that today (21st March) is quite a busy day. Here is my summary.

World Down Syndrome Day

Naturally this day is about raising awareness about the issues facing those with Down Syndrome. These include some pretty important things, such as rights, inclusion and well being. Visit the World Down Syndrome Day website to find out more or visit the Down's Syndrome Association website if you you want to donate (U.K only, but it isn't much effort to Google a charity you can donate to).

World Poetry Day

For those of you who enjoy poetry then fantastic! Have a good day (you can probably ignore this next bit). If you're not so into poetry then try and get hold of The Works (or almost anything else with a similar front cover). You'll probably find something you like in there, be it Kipling's If (words to live by) or something silly by Spike Milligan. If you can't find anything you like then you must hate poetry, really hate it, you know, like a burning hatred that flames behind the eyes whenever you hear someone reciting verse.

International Day for the Elimination for Racial Discrimination

Okay so it isn't a brilliantly catchy name, but it sort of rhymes. Either way it is a good cause, I think name explains everything really.

World Puppetry Day

Well, I'm not an expert on puppets (or anything) so I won't go into too much detail, but really, who doesn't like The Muppets?

Well there you go, a busy day if you are inspired by all those things. Have a good'n.

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