Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Things I don't understand. Volume 2.

A few more things, of the many things, I don't understand

1. Gogglebox

This is Channel 4's new show which is just people watching TV. What is the point? I can do that by looking through random neighbours' windows.

2. The popularity of Apple products

Why do people go crazy for them? They're not bad things by any means, but why Apple has so many devoted fans is beyond me. Or are people just attracted to the shininess?

3. Shopping

It is so boring. People work for hours and complain about it for even longer, only to go to a massive shopping centre and give all of their earnings back to big companies by buying things they don't need and can't afford.

4. The Royal Family

Its 2013, why do we still have a Royal Family and why the hell do people give a toss about their lives? Go out and live your own life.

5. Arabic writing

I do not understand Arabic writing

6. Religion

I can understand why some people chose a religion, but why not instead put faith in science, or medicine, or technology or just something useful.

That's all for now, as ever any answers/comments are welcome.

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