Friday, March 15, 2013

Back to school time politicians.

More shock news from the government! There aren't enough places for children in schools! Around 250,000  extra places will be needed by next year. Obviously this is worrying as a quarter of a million children might not get a place in a school, which is massively unfair and outrageous considering what year it is.

The other worrying thing is that this need for new places is "urgent". How could the government not see this coming? This government and the last, have just been demolishing big, grand, old schools and replacing them with modern, but small and cheaper schools. The justification for this was because class sizes are shrinking. Now this was true, but to have such short sightedness to not predict that numbers will rise again is unbelievable.

Many people may have realised that people are having children at a later stage in their life. Anybody who has also done social studies of population studies will have reasons for this. Many people want to continue spending their disposable income on other life experiences, or want to further their career, before settling down and having children. As this is a recent trend it means that a generation will essentially be 5-10 years behind the previous generation in terms of when they have children. All that means is that there will be a 5-10 year lull in childbirth. Unfortunately the government failed to noticed what anybody else can notice and just decided to demolish big schools and replace them with ones that are too small. Now, unsurprisingly there is a shortage of school places.

Surely it is better to have a school too big than a school too small?

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