Friday, March 8, 2013

International Women's Day

As regular readers (if I have any) may have noticed, this is another post inspired by the Google Doodle. Now International Women's Day is obviously an excellent way to highlight the plight of women. However, the fact that there has to be a separate day to highlight women's issues is worrying. The problems women face should be the same problems that the human race face. There isn't, for example, an International Blokes Day, highlighting the issues of pub closures, why certain footballers aren't as good as others and whether that celebrity is good looking or not. Problems that women face shouldn't be just their problems alone, it is all of our problems. If a woman was getting beaten up outside your house, or wherever you are right now, would you just stand and watch because it isn't your problem and just wait until another woman stops her from getting beaten to a pulp? Of course you wouldn't.

The concept of the International Women's Day is about 100 years old and a lot has changed in that time, but apparently not enough attitudes have changed. If you have a problem with women doing things you think only a man should do, or you think women aren't equal to you then seriously, get a grip. The human race has to face impending doom from several angles, so we really should stop squabbling amongst ourselves. If aliens are watching us then they must think we are horrible creatures, constantly fighting and generally getting on each others nerves, like a dysfunctional family in a sitcom you've probably seen, or neighbours you probably once had.

If we can't unite as a species then we really are doomed (unless climate change and asteroids and sea level rise and nuclear war and famine and flooding and drought aren't already going to kill us all for certain anyway). We need to move on and move forward, stop getting bogged down in differences in how we look or how many penises we have or where we just happened to plop out of our mothers' womb. Once we've got a grip then we can actually start to achieve things. 

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