Friday, June 14, 2013

The News.

You'd think that rolling news would be very informative and, as a result, very useful. Unfortunately I don't think this is the case. Regardless of how much news there is the information is just repeated on a 20 minute cycle. Surely news channels should be giving us more information if they are broadcasting 24/7.

Watching the news today you'd probably hear about Syria. You'd also hear about how the USA are providing arms to the rebels. I am trying to form an opinion on all of the news stories coming out of Syria but the news doesn't really help. I know things are never black and white and it won't be as simple as good guys vs bad guys, but I personally have no idea why all of this is going on. I know that it is going on and that people are dying, but as to why I haven't a clue. Can't the news tell me this? I'm bombarded with names of leaders and groups but I don't know what they stand for or their past or sometimes who on earth they are.

The other issue is that I never know how detailed or accurate the reporting is. I've never been to these countries so I have very little idea of their media culture. For all I know the reporting could be incredibly biased, either deliberately or accidentally.


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