Thursday, June 20, 2013

A recipe.

Well, I've never wrote a recipe before and no doubt this one will probably be terrible. And my last. Ah well, here we go.

Peel enough potatoes so you can make a decent amount a mash for yourself. Boil the potatoes, add a bit of butter and a splash of milk and mash them.

While the potatoes are boiling get an egg, maybe two. (Depends how big they are/how much you like egg)

Scramble the eggs. Do it how you usually do. Or you can put them in a bowl, put them in the microwave for a minute at a time and whisk them up until they're how you like 'em.

Put some baked beans in a pan (Heinz are best, I don't know why, they just are) and heat them up.

Now if everything looks edible and nothing is on fire, mix the mash potato, beans and scrambled eggs together in a bowl and eat.

Use a spoon.

I call it eggs, potato and beans.

(Recipes are hard. This post inspired by hunger)

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