Sunday, June 30, 2013

Idiots buy anything.

If you have paid money for a hand wash dispenser that has a sensor so you don't have to touch it, then you're an idiot. It isn't any more hygienic that a normal dispenser. Once you have touched the dispenser to get the hand wash then that is the last time you touch it. Then you wash your hands with the hand wash and carry on with life. There is no hygienic benefit in not touching the dispenser. Please don't pay extra money for this.

It isn't the only product that is phenomenally stupid, there are plenty more that are clearly aimed at people with more money than sense. So many cosmetic adverts use obviously made-up 'science' to justify claims that nobody on this planet can rightfully make. No product is anti-ageing unless it can stop time. Nothing can make your hair alive or stop it dying because hair is dead cells. Even yoghurt isn't just yoghurt any more. For some reason it can't just be advertised as a tasty and reasonably healthy snack, instead it has to have some sort of seemingly impossible power. They all seem to have some wonderful bacteria inside or no fat or can stop you feeling bloated. I remember one advert claiming that eating their yoghurt for two weeks will stop you feeling bloated. If anybody really believed that eating those for two weeks stops you feeling bloated then you are an official buffoon. The passage of 14 days is what stops you feeling bloated. I rarely feel anything 2 weeks solid.

In summary, a fool and his money are easily parted. Don't be a fool.

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