Friday, June 21, 2013

Summer is officially here!

As the Google Doodle accurately informs me, today is the summer solstice, the longest day of the year. Today is the official start of summer, although the weather outside may suggest otherwise. Regardless of the weather this time of year we should all be out doing thing, after all, there is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes. I could try and give you some fun outdoors things to do, but lets face it, there are far too many. Instead here are some good summer songs that can hopefully form your summer soundtrack this year.

Here Comes the Sun - The Beatles

Seems like a good song to start with. Hopefully we will actually see some sun here in the U.K this year.

In the Summertime - Mungo Jerry

An obvious choice but it is probably the classic summer song. Doesn't really matter where you are, as long as the sun is out this song sounds great. Shaggy also covered this song quite successfully.

All Summer Long - Kid Rock

Another obvious choice (it's got Summer in the title) but it is a good summer song. Most of the music is taken from Sweet Home Alabama, which is another good song and wouldn't be a bad choice for your summer soundtrack.

Summer Breeze - The Isley Brothers

This will be the last one with summer in the title I promise. Perfect song to listen to if you're sat outside in the sun, with a gentle summer breeze. Obviously.

Brimful of Asha - Cornershop

I've featured this song before but that is simply because it is so good. It sounds especially great in summer. Enjoy.

Brown Eyed Girl - Van Morrison

Last but not least, this really is a fantastic song. A good tapping beat and very good driving song on a hot summer's day.

Well there you go, just a few songs there. I could've included plenty of Beach Boys' songs as well as Love Generation by Bob Sinclair and some others, but the ones I've mentioned are probably my favourites. Have a good summer everyone.

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