Wednesday, June 5, 2013


In the vast frozen lands of Siberia, the remains of Mammoths have been discovered. For paleontologists these are fantastic finds, especially the recent find of a Mammoth with flowing blood (still dead, the blood just hadn't dried). Scientists can use these discoveries to find out more about these magnificent creatures as well as the ice age habitat they lived and ultimately died in. There is even talk of cloning these giants and maybe in the not too distant future we will see Mammoths in zoos.

What I want to know however, is what they taste like. Everyone knows that early man hunted and ate Mammoths and now they are quite clearly extinct. So, were Mammoths delicious? We have wiped out entire species just for food before; the flightless (and evidently scrumptious) Dodo being the most obvious example. If we clone large animals with ease in the future then maybe that will ease food stresses across the world. I would really like to try a Mammoth steak. Don't get me wrong, I don't think we should clone one Mammoth, eat it and say 'job done', we should try and clone enough for a breeding, captive population, if we can. If I'm totally honest I'm curious as to what Panda tastes like, but I'm not going to try and eat one, they're far too endangered.

Call me a monster, but it is just a healthy curiosity. Also at the time of writing I'm really rather hungry. Anyway, I hope we clone Mammoths and I won't eat one unless they become plentiful. Provided we don't run out a sausages any time soon.

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